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Men of Issachar


The Men's Ministry is  Christway Chapel Worldwide is the Men of Issachar. It is made up of the organized body of men in our local Church . We admit men at the age of 25 years and above or anyone who is married.

i. Is to conduct a ministry of teaching and worship, and attend to the special needs and interests of men in the Church.  

ii. To unite the men in the Church and carry out programs that will advance the progress and growth of the Church. This is also to encourage the men in the Church to associate themselves to build a formidable, Spiritual, Physical, Financial, Material and Social Force to support the service and administration of the Church.  

MEETINGS: We meet every forth night after close of service to pray and to deliberate on matters that affect us and also bring developments and growth.
We have also drawn up Special Programmes that are topically based, and Resource Persons are invited to lead.                                                

AUXILIARIES: We have two auxiliaries groups under the Department, namely:

i. The  Mighty Men: This is the ministry for the training of young boys and girls in the Church. The purpose is to bulid a mentoring ministry aimed at Reaching, Teaching and Keeping the Young for Christ. This enables both their Spiritual, Physical, Mental and Social lives to be well built up on the sound doctrines of our Lord Jesus Chirst.               

ii. The Joshua Generation : This is also the ministry for the training of  young males between the age of 18 to 25 years. Schooled or unschooled, with or without parents and open to all or not born again.   

The Purpose: 

i.  Is to ultimate prepare them for the Kingdom of Heaven.
ii. Is to intergrate this ministry as a functional unit having nationwide acceptance and operation with effective organisational leadership as soon as practicable.

iii. To help the young males realise their God given potentials, purpose and assignment for their lives. (That is a purpose driven life ).