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Box DS 1024, Dansoman

+233 302998838 / 0591372457

Ushering Ministry

"… those who serve must serve with the strength that God gives them, so that in all things praise may be given to God through Jesus Christ, to whom belong glory and power forever and ever. Amen."— 1 Peter 4:10-12

The ushering ministry is responsible for keeping order in our services. They play a big role in ensuring the smooth running of all our services. Ushers provide a welcoming first impression and atmosphere for visitors, by greeting and seating them in an appropriate and orderly manner, and cultivate an effective worship experience for all attendees of the service. They provide information to members and guests at each service and other special events.

Ushers have a tremendous responsibility, as they are servants, watchmen, hosts, and even soul-winners, as they prepare people to commune with and worship the Lord.
In summary, the primary duties of our ushers are:

1. Greet worshipers, making every attempt to help them feel welcome and at ease.
2. Escort members and guests to their seats.
3. Distribute materials related to the service/meeting such as bulletins, handouts, etc.
4. Receive offerings, delivering them promptly to the treasury department of the church.
5. Maintain alertness for any emergency that may arise, relieving the need or contacting the person(s) needed to provide the proper assistance.
6. Direct individuals out of the service/ meeting in an orderly fashion.